Il Est Ne (page 62 of Faber carol book)
Il Est Ne Sop 2 and ALto easier sheet music
You do not need to print this if you have the Faber Carol Book
Lots of fiddling about with this one, apologies Sop 2s! Here's a reminder of what you should be singing:
Bars 3-12: Baritone line, upper note (G, sung up an octave)
Bars 13-20: Soprano line, lower note (essentially harmonising the tune with the Sop 1s)
At end of bar 20 repeat back to Bar 5 (Baritone line again)
Bars 21-28: Sing the tune! (Sop 1 part)
Bars 29-36: Sing the tune! (technically the alto part)
Bars 37-44: Sing the tune! (Sop 1 part)
Bars 45-49: Baritone part, sung up an octave, then in bar 50 a quick shift to the repeated Gs in the soprano 2/alto line
Bars 53-end: Baritone line, upper note (a G, as at the start, but moving to a D for the final "he is born"
Bars 3-12: Sing the Baritone part, lower note (D, but sung an octave higher)
Bars 13-20: Carry on with the baritone part ("Ah")
At end of bar 20 REPEAT from Bar 5
Bars 21-50: Move up to the Soprano line, but sing the lower part
Bar 51-end: A quick shift down to the baritone line again ("Be our king", starting on the D above middle C - this segues neatly into the D you need to sing for the repeated "He is born" bars). NB Sing a B in the final "he is born".
In So many stars you sing the Baritone line from the start to the end of page 88 - I've just made one change to the notes for the word "below" in bars 40/41, which you should sing an octave higher than written (the F natural above middle C), with the "-low" syllable now held for 3 beats (dotted minim, same as the Sop line). NB that means that you omit the "and we" in bar 41. On page 89 you jump to the lower part of the soprano line (bar 42, starts on an F sharp "helpless we stand).