There are a few edits including:
Sop 1 part bar 15, "jours" - this note should now be a D flat dotted minim (same note as in bar 14)
Sop 2/alto line bar 15 "-rents Mes jours" - these notes should now all be G naturals (same rhythm as written).
Sop 1 part bar 55 "-es Des" - this should be crotchet B flats on both syllables, with a crotchet rest in between.
French source: Armand Silvestre (with some adaptations)
Autor du ciel brumeaux, aux horizons navrants,
Aux rapides couchants, aux aurores pâlies,
Je regarde couler, avec l’eau des torrents,
Mes jours faits de mélancolie.
Sur l’aile du regret mes esprits emportés,
– Comme s’il se pouvait que notre âme renaisse! –
Parcourent, en rêvant, les coteaux enchantés
Où jadis fleurit ma jeunesse.
Je sens, au clair soleil du souvenir vainqueur
Refleurir en bouquets des roses déliées
Et monter à mes yeux des larmes, qu’en mon cœur,
Mes vingt ans avaient oubliées!
English translation
Around the misty sky with heartbreaking horizons,
Of swift sunsets and pale dawns,
I watch flow by, with torrential waters,
My days imbued with melancholy.
My thoughts, borne away on the wings of regret,
– As though our sole could be reborn! –
Roam in reverie the enchanted hills,
Where long ago my youth once flourished.
In the bright sun of triumphant memory
I feel untied roses reflower in bouquets,
And tears rise to my eyes, which in my heart
At twenty had been forgotten!