March of the Women

March of the Women sheet music

March of the Women recording

Written by Ethel Smyth (1858-1944) in 1910 with words by Cicely Hamilton (1872-1952). Both were keen supportes of women’s suffarge and the march became the recignised rally sing of the movement.

These are the words we will be singing:

Shout, shout, up with your song!
Cry with the wind for the dawn is breaking;
March, march, swing you along,
Wide blows our banner and hope is waking.
Song with its story, dreams with their glory,
Lo! they call, and glad is their word!
Loud and louder it swells,

Thunder of freedom, the voice of the world! 

Life, strife, these two are one,
Nought can ye win but by faith and daring:
On, on that ye have done,
But for the work of today preparing.
Firm in reliance, laugh a defiance,
(Laugh in hope, for sure is the end)
March, march, many as one.

Shoulder to Shoulder and friend to friend.

Fiona Monson